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'Rebekah Vardy and Coleen Rooney should SUE the court artists': Twitter users have more fun as latest doodles emerge from £3M libel trialīob Mackie - who drew the original sketch for Marilyn Monroe's 'Happy Birthday Mr. after a 10 year waitĭoctor Who FIRST LOOK: David Tennant and Catherine Tate are seen on set for the first time as they film explosive scenes with a VERY familiar face 'This is the best day of my life': N DUBZ shock fans by announcing they are releasing a new single as well as a HUGE arena tour. Molly-Mae Hague walks arm-in-arm with muscular Tommy Fury as they step out for lunch date after return from Los Angeles work trip Isla Fisher wears lavish Belle gown as she joins A-list parents including Mindy Kaling and Chrissy Teigen at VERY fancy costume gala after denying engagementĮva Longoria goes braless in a figure-hugging silver dress as she poses on her hotel balcony on the eve of the 75th Cannes Film Festival Gemma Collins is joined by supportive boyfriend Rami Hawash as she launches her New Look clothing range.

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